Arlington Professional Fire Fighters
IAFF Local 1329
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    February 22, 2022
    • Who We are

      The Arlington Professional Fire Fighters association represents the Fire Fighters employed by the Arlington Fire Department, Arlington, Texas.


      Our organization is a registered non-profit labor association with 100% voluntary membership. No employees are required to join the APFF. We work to keep our community safe through appropriate staffing, high quality recruiting, top level training and positive employee retention.

      We’re committed to public safety, being good stewards of public resources and giving back to the community we serve.

      If you have any questions about what we do or who we are, please contact us.


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      Current news directly from IAFF locals, councils, and state/province associations in the US and Canada.

      Monday, April 4, 2022: UPFFA of Ct. FIRE OPS 101
      02/21/22 - UPFFA
      Monday April 4th, Hartford Fire Fighters Local 760 will be hosting the annual Uniformed Professional Fire Fighters Association of Connecticut "Fire Ops 101" program at the City of Hartford Fire Department | Hartford CT training facility.
      Fairfield's Bravest file for arbitration
      02/21/22 - IAFF Local 1426
      Dear Fairfield, I am writing today to let you know that unfortunately, your firefighters had to file for binding arbitration with the Town’s administration. This is a serious step that we have not had to use in decades, and it occurred because our contract negotiations broke down.
      The Spree Is On!!!
      02/21/22 - IAFF Local 1164
      We are excited to announce THE SPREE IS ON.
      Passport To Safety 2022
      02/21/22 - IAFF Local 1164
      SAVE THE DATE! Saturday June 11, 2022, Passport To Safety Returns.
      Firefighter Cancer Support Network
      02/20/22 - PFFA
      Friday Update 2-18-22
      02/18/22 - IAFF Local 1014
      Friday Update 2-11-22
      02/18/22 - IAFF Local 1014
      02/17/22 - Suncoast Firefighters
      Sherman St. Structure Fire
      02/16/22 - South Metro Firefighters IAFF LOCAL 2086
      At 2:56 p.m. on Tuesday, February 15, 2022, Local members responded to reports of a house fire at the corner of E. Belleview Ave. and S. Sherman St. in Arapahoe County. A motorist driving by saw the fire and alerted the person inside who didn’t know their house was burning. While members were responding, a plume of smoke was already visible from a distance.
      National Fire Fighter Ski Race Raffle
      02/16/22 - Denver Firefighters Local 858
      National Fire Fighter Ski Race Raffle Tickets $10 for 1 and $25 for 3 Purchase via Venmo
      Florida Avenue Hazmat Incident
      02/15/22 - South Metro Firefighters IAFF LOCAL 2086
      On Saturday February 12th, at 3:31 p.m., Local members responded to an apartment complex for an odor investigation near Parker Road and E. Florida Avenue. Residents had concerns over a chemical smell in the hallway. Members from first arriving Engine 21 and Medic 21 evaluated the situation and upgraded the call to a hazardous material response for proper evaluation.
      Centennial Airport Landing Gear Issue
      02/15/22 - South Metro Firefighters IAFF LOCAL 2086
      At 08:06 a.m. on Monday morning,February 7th, Local members responded to an inflight emergency standby at Centennial Airport. Air Traffic Controllers requested the response after a Leer 45 declared an emergency upon discovering a landing gear issue.
      S. Lowell Blvd. Multi Family Structure Fire
      02/15/22 - South Metro Firefighters IAFF LOCAL 2086
      At 10:09 p.m. on Saturday, February 5, 2022, a multi-family structure fire was reported near W. Berry Avenue and S. Lowell Way in Littleton, CO. Initial callers described visible fire and smoke coming from a chimney in the middle of the multi-unit occupancy. First arriving units pulled attack lines and worked on a primary search and verified that the units had been evacuated.
      Scott Hare Retirement
      02/15/22 - South Metro Firefighters IAFF LOCAL 2086
      Saturday afternoon's sun highlighted the smiles surrounding Scott Hare, as he retired from a long career serving our community. His family and friends gathered at Station 39 to celebrate Scott's last shift and his 35 years in the fire service. All of us wish him a happy and healthy retirement. https://www.southmetro.
      Friday Update 2-4-22
      02/11/22 - IAFF Local 1014
      2022 | IAFF Local 21 St. Patrick's Day Apparel
      02/09/22 - IAFF Local 21
      February 2022 General Membership Meetings
      02/09/22 - International Association of Firefighters
      Our next Union meetings will take place on Wednesday, February 23rd and Thursday, February 24th at The Cabin on Rt 33 in Freehold. Both meetings will take place on the patio (back room behind the fireplace) and start at 1700. Please make every effort to attend.
      Letter to Membership 2.9.22
      02/09/22 - Albuquerque Area Fire Fighters
      Letter to Membership 2.9.22 Click on article for full letter. LettertoMembers 2.9.22.
      Another great Be Kind day in our community!
      02/09/22 - IAFF Local 1164
      Another great Be Kind day in our community! Today, the Be Kind committee hosted pizza parties at Stevenson High School, Niji-Iro Elementary and at Central Office! This effort is the brainchild of Rosedale Gardens Presbyterian Church in coordination with the City of Livonia, the Livonia Chamber of Commerce, St.
      2022 IAFF Legislative Conference
      02/08/22 - Missouri State Council of Fire Fighters
      The 2022 Alfred K. Whitehead Legislative Conference will be held from March 6-9, 2022, at the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. At the Conference, you will learn about IAFF priority legislation and have the opportunity to advocate directly with legislators on key federal issues, including legislation impacting your jobs, health and safety, and economic security.
      New 48/48 4-8 Group Calendars Posted
      02/07/22 - International Association of Firefighters
      New group calendars reflecting the new 48/48 4-8 schedule are available in the Member Home section under "2022 Group Calendars". Must be printed in color.
      Tickets on Sale NOW - 2022 Retiree Banquet
      02/07/22 - IAFF Local 42
      Fire on Belmont Avenue in Springfield
      02/07/22 - IAFF Local 648
      Fire on Belmont Avenue in Springfield   (Photo: Springfield FD) SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – Fire crews were called to a fire on Belmont Avenue Friday at around 5:30 p.m. According to a Facebook post by Springfield Fire Department, crews worked on the fire on 298 Belmont Avenue and the fire was extinguished within five minutes.
      Springfield garage fire caused by wood stove
      02/07/22 - IAFF Local 648
      Springfield garage fire caused by wood stove HAMPDEN COUNTY by: Duncan MacLean Posted: Feb 7, 2022 / 06:31 AM EST / Updated: Feb 7, 2022 / 06:32 AM EST SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – An unattended wood stove caused a fire inside a garage on Boston Road Sunday night. According to Springfield Fire Capt.
      2022 7th District benevolent Fund Scholarships Available
      02/07/22 - IAFF 7th District
      The application period is now open for the annual 7th District Benevolent Fund scholarships is now open and will remain open until March 8th.  Attached is the procedures and application.  This year there will be one $1000, two $750 and seven $500 scholarships available.
      Monday Morning Headlines
      02/07/22 - Denver Firefighters Local 858
      Collective Bargaining Committee Preliminary Survey, Great Balls of Fire, First Responder Yearly Screening, National Fire Fighter Ski Races
      Local 21 Regrets Announcing the Passing of Retired Captain Dick Koenig
      02/06/22 - IAFF Local 21
      Local 21 regrets to announce the passing of retired Fire Captain, Richard “Dick” Koenig. Captain Koenig started with the Saint Paul Fire Department on July 16th, 1962, and retired on December 31, 1988, with 26 years of service. Captain Koenig’s assignments included Engine Co. 17 (B), Rescue Squad Co. 01 (B), and Ladder 24 (B).
      Friday Update 1-28-22
      02/04/22 - IAFF Local 1014
      Volunteers Needed | 2022 Winter Beer Dabbler
      02/02/22 - IAFF Local 21
      The Saint Paul Fire Foundation is the official Fire Pit sponsor for the 2022 Winter Beer Dabbler and we are looking for 32 firefighter volunteers to tend the fire pits. The festival is 2:00pm – 6:00pm and we are asking volunteers to work in 2.5 hour shifts.  You may choose to tend the fire pits from 1:30pm – 4:00pm or 4:00pm – 6:30pm.
      Union Meeting Tonight - Information Session Canceled.
      02/02/22 - Denver Firefighters Local 858
      Tonights Union Meeting will begin at 7pm in person at 12 Lakeside Lane.    Tonights Information Session has been canceled due an issue with the WiFi in the building. We are working with the Credit Union to get it repaired but at this time we can not broadcast.
      Collective Bargaining Committee Preliminary Survey
      02/02/22 - Denver Firefighters Local 858
      The Collective Bargaining Committee wants to give you a chance to submit suggestions for our next contract. We want your ideas, thoughts, and tips for the directions we should try and pursue. Please limit your responses to 5 suggestions.
      IAFF Local 21 is Celebrating Black History Month
      02/01/22 - IAFF Local 21
      City Chapter Vacancy (1/31/22)
      01/31/22 - Albuquerque Area Fire Fighters
      The IAFF Local 244 Executive Board is accepting letters of interest for the position of City 3rd Steward for the next 14 calendar days. The Executive Board will appoint a member to serve in the position at the Executive Board meeting on February 17, 2022, until the next General Election in December 2022; in accordance with the IAFF Local 244 Constitution & Bylaws, Article VI, Section 5.
      Monday Morning Headlines
      01/31/22 - Denver Firefighters Local 858
      UNION  MEETING & INFORMATION SESSION  Wednesday, February 2nd at 7 pm - Information Session and Union Meeting The Information Session can be viewed over ZOOM. Please Click here for the Invitation.  The business meeting will start after the Information Session.  Thursday, Februaury 3rd at 8:30 A.M.
      November 2022: 22nd Biennial UPFFA Convention
      01/29/22 - UPFFA
      Dorado Ave. Garage Fire
      01/29/22 - South Metro Firefighters IAFF LOCAL 2086
      Friday, January 28, 2022, at 5:41 p.m. - South Metro Fire Rescue's 9-1-1 Dispatch Center started to receive multiple calls for a garage fire in the area of Smoky Hill Road and Orchard in unincorporated Arapahoe County. Local members were able to quickly extinguish the fire before it could extend into the home. The family was able to evacuate with their pets safely.
      February 2022: IAFF Center of Excellence Upcoming February Webinars
      01/29/22 - UPFFA
      The IAFF Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Treatment and Recovery is hosting an online education series for IAFF members, other first responders, healthcare providers, clinicians and the community at large.
      01/27/22 - Palm Beach County Fire Fighters Employee Benefits Fund
      February 1, 2022 To: All participants of the Employee Benefits Fund, The Board of Trustees for the PBC FF’s Employee Benefits Fund has an opening for Trustee # 8 which has been vacated by Guy Roper.  The opening is to complete the term which will end on June 1, 2024.
      SAFER Grants
      01/27/22 - PFFNH
      SAFER Grant Administered through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant program has put thousands of fire fighters back to work, prevented layoffs and hired many new fire fighters, giving a much-needed boost to public safety in countless struggling communities.
      Springfield Arson and Bomb squad investigating fire on Belmont Avenue
      01/25/22 - IAFF Local 648
      Springfield Arson and Bomb squad investigating fire on Belmont Avenue HAMPDEN COUNTY by: Nick DeGray Posted: Jan 24, 2022 / 04:56 PM EST / Updated: Jan 24, 2022 / 10:38 PM EST SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – Springfield firefighters put out a fire Monday afternoon on 61 Belmont Avenue.
      Firefighters and police called to fire on Parkerview Street in Springfield
      01/25/22 - IAFF Local 648
      Firefighters and police called to fire on Parkerview Street in Springfield LOCAL NEWS by: Ashley Shook Posted: Jan 25, 2022 / 09:57 AM EST / Updated: Jan 25, 2022 / 10:22 AM EST 22News SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – Crews put out a fire on Parkerview Street in Springfield Tuesday morning.
      New Legislation Amending the Public Safety Officers Death Benefit
      01/24/22 - Detroit Fire Fighters Association
      Michigan has passed NEW legislation amending the Public Officers Death Benefit.  It allows for children of public safety officers who are killed in the line of duty to have higher education be paid for by the state, regardless of income.  THE LINK PROVIDES ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED TO APPLY INCLUDING A CONTACT TO CALL IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. https://www.michigan.
      New Legislation Amending the Cancer Presumption Bill
      01/24/22 - Detroit Fire Fighters Association
      Michigan has passed NEW legislation amending the cancer presumption bill.  These changes are positive and include different types of cancer and who may be eligible for the benefit.  Please use the attached link to review the changes.  THE LINK PROVIDES ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED TO APPLY INCLUDING A CONTACT TO CALL IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. https://www.michigan.
      February Meeting Notice
      01/24/22 - IAFF Local 42
      51st Biennial MSCFF Convention
      01/24/22 - Missouri State Council of Fire Fighters
      Monday Morning Headlines
      01/23/22 - Denver Firefighters Local 858
      CPFF Meeting 1/24 Community Education Fund Meetings - 1/25 & 1/27 Manny Lopez - Fight Night - 1/28 Fire Fighter Ski Races 2/28 - 3/3 Great Balls of Fire Tournament 2/28 
      Saint Paul Fire Department Yearbooks
      01/23/22 - IAFF Local 21
      From Deputy Chief Hohertz: If you ordered a yearbook – it can be picked up at Saint Paul Fire Department Headquarters during regular business hours.  If you are unsure about your order, you can check with Deputy Chief Hohertz or Chanel Rockymore. If you are interested in purchasing an album, use the link below by January 31, 2022.
  • Arlington Professional Fire Fighters

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